2023, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (26): 4254-4264Muscle effect, dose-effect relationship, and physiological mechanism of KAATSU-resistance trainingLei Senlin1, Zhang Minghui2, Ma Chunlian3, Gao Weifeng4, Xia Xiaoyan1, Dong Kunwei1
Abstract: BACKGROUND: KAATSU-resistance training is a new training mode that achieves training effects through the dual stimulation of “kado” and “resistance.” Therefore, the muscle function performance is different under different KAATSU resistance training models. The dose-effect relationship between KAATSU-resistance training and muscle function performance is still inconclusive and the underlying physiological mechanism needs to be further explored. Key words: KAATSU-resistance training, muscle strength, muscle endurance, neuromuscular adaptation, KAATSU volume |