Journal Info

Journal Info


For Authors

For Authors


For Reviewers

For Reviewers


Instructions for authors

Instructions for authors


About the journal

Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research (CJTER, originally named as Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research, CRTER) is a China-based open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing exclusively on the exciting field of tissue engineering research. CJTER has been identified as the First Batch of Digital Publishing Demonstration Units, China's 100 Outstanding Academic Journals, China International Excellent Academic Journal, China’s 100 Top Digital Journals, and China High Impact Medical Journals.

According to the 2020 Journal Citation Reports®, the 2019 Impact Factor (IF) of CJTER has been increased to 0.819.

Criteria for Publication
  • The study presents the results of primary scientific research.

  • Results reported have not been published elsewhere.

  • Experiments, statistics, and other analyses are performed to a high technical standard and are described in sufficient detail.

  • Conclusions are presented in an appropriate fashion and are supported by the data.

  • The article is presented in an intelligible fashion and is written in standard language (Chinese or English).

  • The research meets all applicable standards for the ethics of experimentation and research integrity.

  • The article adheres to appropriate reporting guidelines and community standards for data availability.

Initial Submission

Cover letter

Authors are strongly encouraged to provide as much information as possible to the reviewers, including:

  • Declaration that the manuscript is original, has not been submitted to or is not under consideration by another publication and has not been previously published in any language or any form, including electronic.

  • Indication that all authors approve the final version of the paper and of its submission to CJTER.

  • Recommendation of 2-3 scientists as peer reviewers for your paper, including their contact information. The recommenced reviewers should be in the same field of your study, but not from the same institutions and have not copublished articles previously.

Once submitted to CJTER, the paper should not be submitted to other journals within 1 month, whether it is undergoing or awaiting the paper review process.

Link your publication to ORCID

The first author or the corresponding author should provide ORCID upon manuscript submission to facilitate accurate author publication data maintained by journal or database statisticians.

Transfer of copyright agreement

Once your paper is successfully submitted, Form of Copyright Transfer Agreement should be signed by all authors and uploaded to the editorial system.

Submission Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through

Article Type
  • Research Article: CJTER will consider manuscripts on any clinical or basic science topic that is relevant to tissue engineering.

  • Review: Reviews cover a current topic of interest in tissue engineering. Authors are invented or voluntary to submit a paper outline before writing, and submit the manuscript within 2 months after receiving permission from the editorial committee.

  • Evidence-Based Medicine Article: CJTER will consider manuscripts on the topics of evidence-based medicine relevant to tissue engineering.

  • Imaging in CJTER: We will consider photographic, radiographic, or artistic images that have exceptional visual impact and have relevance to tissue engineering.

  • Letters to the Editor: Brief communications and case reports should be labeled as such and must offer an important new observation and not simply review the literature. In rare instances, we will consider case reports for this article type, but only if the topic is extraordinarily novel.

Acceptance and Publication

After acceptance, the authors have access to inquiries regarding the progress of their manuscript submitted online using the account number assigned to the corresponding author at any time. Generally, accepted manuscripts will be published within 6 months after revision; however, authors can apply for rapid publication within 2-3 months after revision if their publications meet the following conditions:

  • Grant-funded innovative publications;

  • Basic research papers including original data with DOI register number;

  • Clinical trials with register number;

  • First-time innovative publications.

Preparation of Research Articles

Title Page

The title page should include the full title, all author(s) name(s), institution(s) and/or department(s), correspondence author’s contact information (telephone number and email address), and financial support.

Title (< 26 Chinese characters, < 20 English words): The title should be to the point and present the difference from other papers. It should be diversified, active in presentation mood. The interrogative, rhetoric, rhetorical sentences, and title accompanied by subtitle are encouraged, not limited to the indicative mood.

Authorship: Authorship credit should be in accordance with the standard proposed by international Committee of Medical Journal Editors, based on (1) substantial contributions to conception and design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the version to be published. Authors should meet conditions 1, 2, and 3. There should be less than 6 authors from one institutional affiliation. Both the first author and corresponding author are required to provide name, year of birth, highest academic degree earned, professional titles, research direction, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. Authors from China should spell their names using Bopomofo. List the author(s) name(s) as follows: initials and/or first name, middle name or initial(s) and full family name. Separate different authors with commas and no full stops after initials, e.g. Wang Li-sha, Liu Kun, Benjamin Shaw. List author(s) job titles and postcodes.

Corresponding author: The name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the author responsible for correspondence about the manuscript. (The “corresponding author;” this author may or may not be the “guarantor” for the integrity of the study). The corresponding author should ensure that all appropriate co-authors and no inappropriate co-authors are included on the paper, and that all co-authors have seen and approved the final version of the paper and have agreed to its submission for publication.

Institution/Affiliation: Include authors’ department, institution, city with postal code, and state/country. Provinces and cities in China are spelled using Bopomofo. “陕西省”and “内蒙古自治区” should be translated into Shaanxi Province and Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.


An abstract of 300-400 Chinese characters (≤ 250 English words) are commended using the following headings: BACKGROUND, OBJECTIVE, METHODS, RESULTS AND CONCLUSION ( ).

Key Words

Please list 8-10 key words which reflect the content of the study.

Subject Headings

MeSH terms (3-5).


Format for financial support: the National Natural Science Foundation of China, No. 30221803


A phrase has > 5 Chinese characters, which appears more than 5 times in full text. Spell out the term on first use and add full English name and the abbreviation in parentheses.

Publishing Information

Publishing House of Chinese Journal of Tissue Engineering Research

The Official Publication of

Chinese Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

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